Safe holidays
To guarantee you the
tranquility of a safe holiday
Anek Lines Italia Srl, in collaboration with Nobis Compagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.a, offers all its customers (EU residents) the possibility of taking out a specific insurance policy at particularly advantageous conditions.
In addition to the trip cancellation coverage and the trip re-routing coverage, personal and vehicle assistance and compensation for lost baggage are included for the duration of the trip (for a maximum of 30 days).
The insurance has a premium of € 11.00 per person and can be optionally taken out by requesting it at the time of booking or at the latest within 30 calendar days before departure. If, at the time of ticket purchase, a cancellation penalty already applies, the insurance coverage must be subscribed within 3 calendar days from the booking date. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can the issued insurance be refunded.
The policy includes coverage following infection with Covid-19 by the policyholder in the Travel Assistance and Medical Expenses guarantees; it also includes cancellation following infection with Covid-19 by the policyholder or his/her family members.
Insurance coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions, so we recommend that you carefully read the full terms before joining.
The Policy No. 6003000635/V is deposited at the headquarters of Anek Lines Italia Srl and the general conditions are fully reported on the Insurance Certificate that will be sent to all those who will join, together with the booking.
Please note that in the event of a claim related to the coverage “Personal Assistance” the insurance holder must immediately contact the Operations Centre at the telephone number indicated in the policy.
Communications with the Operations Centre are possible only in Italian or English languages.