• 20% discount on vehicle fare for the members of specific automobile & / camping clubs & associations.
  • Offer is not valid for unaccompanied vehicles.
  • Evidence of membership must be presented at the point of reservation & check-in.
  • Limited capacity available.

Anek Lines Italia S.r.l.

P.zza della Repubblica, 1
60121 Ancona (AN)


The Company grants the following offers:

A Offer

20% discount on all vehicle categories for members of specific Auto Clubs / Camper Associations. Discount applies on the vehicle fares only.  


  • Discount applies on one way or on round trip fares published in our brochures.
  • Valid for Ancona, Bari and Venice routes.
  • Discount does not apply on fuel surcharge.
  • Offer not valid for unaccompanied vehicles.
  • Passengers are required to show their Association membership’s card at the check-in office.

B Offer

20% discount on campers and caravans and related combinations for members of certain automobile and campers associations. Discount applies to vehicle fare only.

  • Discount applies on one way or on round trip fares published in our brochures.
  • Valid for Ancona, Bari and Venice routes.
  • Discount does not apply on fuel surcharge.
  • Offer not valid for unaccompanied vehicles.
  • Passengers are required to show their Association membership’s card at the check-in office.
Clubs and Associations for A Offer
1. ADAC (www.adac.de) – GERMANY
2. ACE (www.ace-online.de) – GERMANY
3. ARCD (www.arcd-reisen.de) – GERMANY
4. FREEONTOUR (www.freeontour.com) – GERMANY
5. DCC DEUTSCHER CAMPINGCLUB (www.camping-club.de) – GERMANY
6. OEAMTC (www.oeamtc.at/vorteilspartner) – AUSTRIA
7. ARBÖ AUTOMOBILE CLUB (www.arboe.at/home) – AUSTRIA
8. CAMPING & CARAVANING CLUB (www.cca-camping.at) – AUSTRIA
9. TCS (www.tcs.ch) – SWITZERLAND
10. ACS (www.acs.ch) – SWITZERLAND
11. NKC (www.kampeerauto.nl) – NETHERLANDS
12. ANWB (www.anwb.nl) – NETHERLANDS
13. FFCC (www.ffcc.fr) – FRANCE
14. ACA (www.automobile-club.org) – FRANCE
15. FFACCC (www.ffaccc.fr) – FRANCE
16. KAMPEERTOERIST (www.vlaamsekampeertoeristen.be) – BELGIUM
17. TOURING CLUB ITALIANO (www.touringclub.it) – ITALY
18. PLEINAIR (www.clubdelpleinair.it) – ITALY
19. CONFEDERCAMPEGGIO (www.federcampeggio.it) – ITALY
Clubs and Associations for B Offer

1. CAMPER CLUB ITALIANO (www.camperclubitaliano.it) – ITALY
2. VIAGGIARE IN LIBERTA (www.viaggiareinliberta.com)  – ITALY
3. TURISMO ITINERANTE (www.turismoitinerante.com) – ITALY
4. UNIONE CLUB AMICI (www.unioneclubamici.com) – ITALY
5. CAMPERLIFE (www.camperlife.it) – ITALY
6. A.C.T. ITALIA (www.actitalia.it) – ITALY
7. VIVICAMPER (www.acvivicamper.com) – ITALY


Offers and Agreements

Discover all the Anek advantages RESERVED TO YOU

20% discount until 31th March 2025

Pls contact us for your groups

30% discount international line + domestic line

30% return discount

20% discount for passengers over 60

50% discount children 4-12 years old

20% discount for friends and families

20% discount for passengers travelling together

20% Reduction for passengers 13-25 Years old

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Click to contact us
Telephone: 0039.071.2072346
WhatsApp: Only chat here
Email: info@anekitalia.com

from Monday to Friday: 08:30–19:30
Saturday: 09:00–13:00